Previously: Mary Anne had her series defining moment: SHE GOT A CAT. Wait, no, I mean she got a boyfriend. Sorry, it was just a lot of excitement in one...
Previously: There was a ghost at Dawn’s house. But it wasn’t really a ghost, it was a person. Lame. — Lorraine: At the onset of this blog, five whole months...
Submitted for the approval of the Snarky Society. Nugs: A few weeks ago I sent out an email threatening politely suggesting to the other Snark Ladies that we start covering...
Previously: Stacey falls for an older lifeguard. Despite the fact that he gave her her whistle, and we spent too much time discussing the analogy there, nothing comes of her...
Previously: Claudia’s grandmother Mimi suffers a stroke and it brings dumb Claudia and lame Janine closer together. We do not recommend getting strokes in order to strengthen your family. —...
Previously: Kristy complained about living in a mansion a lot, because she’s the kind of cunty person who would. She also manages to make her mother’s wedding day all about...
Sweeney: “If you’re afraid of bees, I have to warn you – there are a lot of bees in this story. In fact, there are hundreds.” Thank you for beginning...
Previously: Dawn has to baby-sit for some terrible kids that are actually not terrible at all. Their mother on the other hand should’ve been carted away by CPS. — Sweeney:...
Lorraine: I was driving home after spending 8 hours at a new employee orientation. It was one of those things where they put you in a group with other people...
Previously: The BSC girls have a fight and Mary Anne makes a new friend, Dawn. Dawn helps her remember that “9-1-1-” is a thing, thus Mary Anne saves the day....
Sweeney: The tagline for this blog is “The books that ruined us for life.” As much fun as I’m having picking on the BSC girls, I’m learning that all they...
Previously: Stacey had sad-abetes. Sad. — Sweeney: For those of you who were not personally ruined by the BSC and are merely enjoying our snark and second-hand trauma, let me...
Previously: Claudia got some creepy phone calls but all’s well that ends well because it led to Kristy having a date. Stalking is romantic. — Nugs: I’d just to like...
Lorraine: There are a lot of emotions that I experience when I read one of these old books. Sweet Valley usually makes me serial-killer-angry. Nancy Drew made me crying-baby-at-a-restaurant-annoyed. This?...
Previously: Kristy had a great idea and she made damn sure to tell us it was her idea. Also: some other people helped. — Nugs: So it’s my turn now,...
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