Previously: Will was in the lights and a body was in the lake. — The Body Marines: HOW DARE ANYTHING BE TITLED THE BODY AND WITH A CHARACTER NAMED JOYCE. I’M ALREADY...
Previously: BARBARA! YOU DESERVE BETTER! — Holly, Jolly Marines: Barbara lands on her back. She’s in what looks like a snowy nightmare version of a woods. I hate it. She gets...
Previously: Will went missing and Eleven was found. — Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street Marines: We pick back up on the same rainy night. Eleven is on the couch...
Marines tried to watch this when it first came out, but it scared her in like 5 seconds, so instead she got friends to watch it with her and we’re...
Previously: IDK, Hardin’s parents were presumptuous and weird. — Samantha: I am considering getting out the good old brain bleach for this, another sexytimes chapter in like 3 chapters. Marines: No...
Previously: Hardin broods. — Marines: Karen and Tessa make small talk about baking. Karen offers to teach Tessa how to bake. Tessa accepts the offer because apparently Karen is trying...
We’re making our way through Fall TV pilots to give your first impressions! — Ten Days in the Valley on ABC (Sundays at 10/9c) Recapped: The life of a messed up...
Previously: Tom crushed it, according to Twitter. — Party Lines Dani: The previouslies remind us that Aaron now works for Kimble Hookstraten, and that Jack Bowman, the gun-loving senator from...
Previously: Tragedy. — The Miserable Mill: Part Two Marines: I purposefully took a long break because I’m not joking about how much I was heartbroken by the last episode. I’m not...
As we try to do every year, below you’ll find quick first impressions on this season’s pilots. Knee-jerk snark, if you will. — The Orville on FOX (Thursdays at 9/8c) Recapped: Star...
Previously: Tessa got Hardin back to the dinner table with her tears and kisses. — Samantha: The chapter begins with Karen being surprised that Tessa would offer to help with cleanup....
Previously: Family dinner revealed that Papa Hardin is the Chancellor. — Marines: Tessa follows Hardin out after his outburst, for several reasons: 1- She’d rather be with angry Hardin than his...
Previously: Aaron quit. — One Hundred Days Samantha: Previouslies remind us that Aaron quit and Hannah is looking for Claudine Poyet who killed Jason’s son. We open with camera flashes and...
Previously: The boys thought they could be better than actual Supergirl. — The Martian Chronicles Marines: Alien Bar. Kara walks in and spots Mon-El behind the bar. He quickly supplies her...
Previously: Hardin and Tessa had a fight about family dinner. — Samantha: Tessa notices that Hardin seems tense for some reason as they drive to the family dinner he very...
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