Previously: The combined power of vacation & friendship compelled us to override our own better judgement and watch all five Pirates films in 2019. — Sweeney: After bitching about the...
Previously: We gushed about Last Christmas and Emilia Clarke’s Big Goofball Energy. — Sweeney: Once upon a time three friends found themselves on vacation at Disney World. It was their...
Previously: We watched Johnny Tsunami and thought about all the ways fictional kids run away from home. — Sweeney: Episode 10! This feels like an exciting milestone. We’re really doing...
Previously: We inexplicably watched The King and it was not our jam, so we had our smart friend just talk to us about Shakespeare instead. — Sweeney: Those of you...
Previously: The coolest rebellious house on the block. — Marines: We are right in the middle of my DCOM prime. My intros for this run of movies could literally be all...
Previously: We gathered to discuss apocalypse media & wound up talking about contingency plans and watching the world burn. — Sweeney: A few weeks ago? Months ago? What is time...
Previously: A boy turned into a fish. — Sweeney: This is one of the movies that we have been asked about the most since we started this podcast so it...
Previously: The Politician was a hot mess and we couldn’t look away. — Sweeney: Halloween season is upon us! It’s always good to find new ways to celebrate that but ALSO:...
Previously: 4/4 podcasters agreed on our least favorite DCOM & shared some better stories about kids saving the day. — Marines: This is the story of a boy who turns...
Previously: We relived our school days and talked about the best and worst of fictional schools. — Marines: This movie has been our media list for a little bit now– basically...
Previously: The coolest girl in the galaxy and our favorite space stories. — Marines: If you’ve been listening along, you may have heard us measure the quality of each movie by how...
Previously: We were charmed by Halloweentown, and shared some of our Halloween costumes and traditions. — Sweeney: I am having so much fun with this project and will continue to...
Previously: We all really loved Brink! — Sweeney: The journey continues! This week we watched Halloweentown, which half of us had seen but half hadn’t and we tried to judge...
Previously: We watched every single episode of The Americans — Marines: Chances are that if you’ve listened to previous episodes of the podcast, or if you follow Nicole and me...
Previously: We watched You Lucky Dog and talked about the superpowers we wanted as kids and also debated our plans for the afterlife. — Sweeney: We mentioned in our first episode...