Previously: Sharp Objects was unsettling and good even if “enjoy” wasn’t a word we could rightly use. — Sweeney: The fun thing about starting something new is that you get...
Previously: The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling won our hearts. — Marines: Our recording schedule leading up to and in September has been kind of wild, as Nicole and I were both...
Previously: We gushed about Crazy Rich Asians, rom coms, fabulous dresses, and representation. — Sweeney: This post is a day late because I have been traveling and Mari has been...
Previously: Gravity Falls gave us a lot of feelings about children’s media, interactive storytelling, and siblings. — Sweeney: Whenever I assume that everyone in our little community is being inundated...
Previously: We had many feelings about siblings existing in fictional media. — Marines: Animated TV is really not Nicole’s thing, but after our success with Avatar: The Last Airbender, I added this...
Previously: We tapped an endless well of superhero feelings. — Sweeney: We’ve mentioned a time or 20 that this whole podcast thing is, in a lot of ways, something that...
Previously: We read the third book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series and talked about foreshadowing and Tormund Giantsbane’s Big Dick Energy. — Marines: This week we...
Previously: We watched Annihilation and it was fucking weird but we think we liked it? Question mark? — Marines: Reading these books feels like an accomplishment, I’m not gonna lie. Perhaps...
Previously: We fell in love with The Bold Type’s girl power charm. — Sweeney: Every episode is special to us in its own way, but this one was…a journey –...
Previously: We related more to a teen than to her parents. — Marines: In our ongoing mission to consume all of the media, and recap at least half of them on...
Previously: We had a lot of feelings about what it means to call yourself a fan. — Sweeney: After our friend Chelsea joined us to discuss A Wrinkle in Time we...
Previously: We watched & loved Brooklyn Nine-Nine and also learned more about how to podcast. — Marines: This is an episode a long time in the making. Back when we did...
Previously: We watched Ocean’s 8 and generally found it a perfectly enjoyable, if forgettable, romp. — Sweeney: We are now a whole HALF A YEAR into this podcasting thing which...
Previously: We hated Theon chapters like woah. — Marines: Hi, hello! Sweeney and I left the comfort of our respective living rooms to go see a recently released movie, Ocean’s 8....
Previously: We watched another Star Wars movie and found that we still knew nothing (Jon Snow), but we had help from an actual Star Wars fan to correct us. —...