Doctor Who S05 E11 – Kiss the girl.

Previously: We cried our way through a sad-romp with Vincent van Gogh. — Marines: The TARDIS lands in a suburb somewhere. The Doctor peeks out long enough to realize they haven’t...

Daredevil S01 E10 – V betrayed.

Previously: DD got fucked up. — Nelson v. Murdoch Marines: Matt comes to on his own couch, and I know we just called the last recap “grimacing bloodily” but YEP. Watch...

Doctor Who S05 E08 – He says condescendingly.

South Wales. A father sits outside with his son, trying to get him to read. The boy says he can't do it, but dad encourages him to keep trying. Mom comes outside and hands Dad his lunch, telling him he's going to be late for his shift. Dad says goodbye to his son with a kiss on the head and then we watch him bike to work, which is some sort of plant.