We start with bright blue sky, cheery music, a banner proclaiming the 2012 London Olympics and even some houses with little Union flags in the windows. It reminds me of when Kirsti was last in the US and astounded by the number of flags we fly. #Merica
K: TRUE. Y'all need to back off on the flags. It's RIDICULOUS. I have yet to see any private residence in Australia flying the Australian flag. Wait. Maybe the posh place with a freaking turret near my cousin's old high school that usually flies a pirate flag puts up the Australian flag for Australia Day? IDK IDK.
OH THANK GOD WE FINISHED IT. I honestly don't think anything has ever felt as long as this sixteen episode season, friends. Not even Buffy season 6... I hereby declare it dance party time:
I used to really enjoy season 3, but recapping it has made me realise just how all over the place it is. Sure, there are some fabulous episodes in there. But we also get some total throwaway episodes, which means that important details don't turn up until the absolute last minute. I hate how they wrapped up Bela's story, and while I should give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the writers' strike got in the way of them doing things properly, I'm not entirely convinced.
I used to really enjoy season 3, but recapping it has made me realise just how all over the place it is. Sure, there are some fabulous episodes in there. But we also get some total throwaway episodes, which means that important details don't turn up until the absolute last minute. I hate how they wrapped up Bela's story, and while I should give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the writers' strike got in the way of them doing things properly, I'm not entirely convinced.
Everything is usually so shiny and bright when a new season starts! I'll admit that I'm more hesitant than normal this time 'round because season four started off on such a prolonged, sour note. However, I still got pretty damn giddy when the credits music started. Here we are again, friends! Ready or not.
Democracy Diva: READY. So ready. I may have been running around my apartment singing the GoT theme song to myself in preparation. Also, hi, Traumateers! I'm so excited to be joining the GoT recaps.
Democracy Diva: READY. So ready. I may have been running around my apartment singing the GoT theme song to myself in preparation. Also, hi, Traumateers! I'm so excited to be joining the GoT recaps.
Oh hey. It’s me again, reviewing a Gotham episode for the third time this week. What can I say? The prospect of the season finale next week gave me a renewed sense of purpose. That, and the desire to be done with this show forever and ever.
Marines: She kept asking, "want me to do the next one?" and the answer was always yes. Yes forever.
Alex: So. It’s morning at Christian/Milo/Ogre’s apartment and rather than away screaming when she saw the murder chamber last night, Barbara instead spent the night there having lots and lots of sex.
Marines: She kept asking, "want me to do the next one?" and the answer was always yes. Yes forever.
Alex: So. It’s morning at Christian/Milo/Ogre’s apartment and rather than away screaming when she saw the murder chamber last night, Barbara instead spent the night there having lots and lots of sex.
Hoooboy it's great to be back in this joint! More sentimentalisms at the end, onto the episode. Though, raise your hand if you're as excited about this as I am. *raises her own hand hand*
Marines: I don't know that I can match your excitement about the episode but it's lovely to have you here so: *raises hand*
Karina: After the previouslies are over, Marissa is sitting on one of those beach guard houses in the night. (Is that what you call them? Never mind, I'm sure you get what I'm saying.) She is having flashbacks of fooling around with Ryan and almost getting raped by his brother so her night is going anything but swell.
Marines: I don't know that I can match your excitement about the episode but it's lovely to have you here so: *raises hand*
Karina: After the previouslies are over, Marissa is sitting on one of those beach guard houses in the night. (Is that what you call them? Never mind, I'm sure you get what I'm saying.) She is having flashbacks of fooling around with Ryan and almost getting raped by his brother so her night is going anything but swell.
Bruce is hanging around under a bridge. Some dodgy guy tries to start on him, but Selina appears and scares him away. She went back to check on Reggie, whose definitely-dead body has now been found by the cops. Bruce gets teary and asks why she did it. Selina yells back that she saved his life by killing Reggie, because otherwise this Bunderslaw guy would have found out what they were up to. Bruce suggests that they go check out Bunderslaw’s safe at the office to find out what he’s hiding, and Selina agrees to help after making him promise not to tell anyone what happened to Reggie.
CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! That's right, friends. It's the season finale.
Marines: My first one! High fives all around!
K: WOO! Only a million to go!! *cries*
Marines: My first one! High fives all around!
K: WOO! Only a million to go!! *cries*
A bus pulls into Rosewood. Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Emily and Alison get off. Ali hesitates at the last step and tries to run back on, but Emily stops her telling her that A is gone and she doesn’t need to run anymore. So, if I remember correctly, they think A is dead because Shana is dead. But didn’t they have that in-the-park A rave too? Apparently they have blocked that out. I, however, have not. That was about the most memorable thing last episode, aside from Shana dying from falling like 2 feet off the stage.
Fish and her snazzy new eye gaze thoughtfully out of the window at Organ Donor Island. She heads downstairs and schmoozes a little with some of the rich patients, who are having a grand old time at the fancy facility while recovering from their illegal transplants. Then she sneaks into an empty room and breaks open the door to take a casual stroll outside, where she spots a helicopter. Just then, some dudes with guns pull up in a car, led by a guy calling himself 'The Catcher'. She introduces herself and feigns ignorance about not being allowed outside. He waves a gun at her and orders her back into the mansion.
We open outside a hospital at night. Two doctors walk out discussing their plans for the night, and how one has to start work stupidly early the next day. They go their separate ways, and we follow one to his car. He puts a bag into the boot and promptly gets shoved in there after it. He bangs on the closed lid. Cut to him staggering into an emergency room, holding his stomach. A nurse walks up and kindly says that he can move his hands because there's nothing she hasn't seen before. She pulls his hands away, and his intestines fall out onto the floor. She screams.
We open on a guy with terrible bleached blond hair running through a quarry or gravel yard or some shit. IDK. He ends up by an industrial looking building, and stops when he sees the TARDIS. He walks slowly towards it, and music gets all floaty vocals and spookiness. He touches the TARDIS, then Rose yells out for the Doctor from somewhere off screen. Bad Hair Guy runs towards it. He ends up in a factory. Rose and the Doctor, both still off screen, yell at each other about where "he" has gone. Bad Hair Guy finds himself in a corridor with lots of doorways off it. There's a pig-like grunting noise from somewhere, and he cautiously walks down the corridor. He pulls open a door and finds himself face to face with a giant spitty alien.
Hey, this is a thing we are still doing. And since new episodes are still airing we figured we'd actually try and finish off this season. Cool.
Alex: It's my fault that this is going out so very late. SORRY, guys (but not really because I hate this show and feel entirely justified in putting it off as long as possible).
Mari: Fair.
Alex: It's my fault that this is going out so very late. SORRY, guys (but not really because I hate this show and feel entirely justified in putting it off as long as possible).
Mari: Fair.
I really wanted to pretend that I have totally been keeping up with the show since recapping The Telanovela, but there is literally nothing happening before my mind is already blown. It wasn't THAT long ago that Kirsten was bragging about her specialty of taking food out of take out containers and now she's apparently cooked a full gourmet breakfast!? Was the drinking really that bad?
Wait, Seth and Ryan are looking very confused by this exuberant breakfast before school (they're all still so awake in the morning, it's weird) so it must not be a regular thing. In typical teenage-boy fashion, they just want their cereal and bagels.
Wait, Seth and Ryan are looking very confused by this exuberant breakfast before school (they're all still so awake in the morning, it's weird) so it must not be a regular thing. In typical teenage-boy fashion, they just want their cereal and bagels.
We open at the Potter B&B, which makes a pleasant change. Joey's helping Pacey run lines for the play, but gets all "skrrrt, NO" when she sees that the next page requires her to get all swoony and lovey-dovey. Oh, sweetie. Just give it a few more episodes.
Democracy Diva: Is it too early to squee? I feel like it's too early to squee.
K: It's never too early to squee.
Democracy Diva: Is it too early to squee? I feel like it's too early to squee.
K: It's never too early to squee.
First of all, thanks to the Snark Ladies for adding me to the Orphan Black recapping team. I started watching this show since you recommended it and am now thoroughly pulled in. Also, I am soooo excited for this episode. I've been watching the trailer and I'm curious to see how much having the male clones in the mix will change the game and change the consequences of the world.
Ok. Deep breath. Here we go.
Ok. Deep breath. Here we go.