Previously: Xander can’t even fall in love right and Buffy gets turned into a rat. — Passion Lorraine: We open up at the Bronze where some breathy, sexy times music...
Previously: Oz is a werewolf! Oz/Willow! And Angelus is generally running around fucking with Buffy’s life. — Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered Sweeney: This episode begins, as so many do, in the...
Previously: Buffy’s magic vagina took away Angel’s soul, and now Angelus is crazying up the joint. Also, Willow found out about Xander and Cordelia and DIDN’T punch Xander in the...
Previously: Angel and Buffy sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes sex, then comes that part where Angel runs in the rain and cries out in pain...
Previously: We had some campy fun with a gross blob demon who taught us the horrors of sex education. — Surprise Sweeney: This episode gives me so. many. feelings. I...
Previously: I think the moral of the story was reading is better than everything, but especially better than ghosts trapped in mirrors. — The Tale of the Twisted Claw Lorraine:...
Previously: Joyce dated a robot and earned herself a million negative Sandy Cohen Eyebrows. Also, Ms Calendar shot Giles in the back with an arrow. — Bad Eggs Kirsti: You...
Previously: Another slayer shows up and gets to digging plot holes. Drusilla regains her strength and Cordy and Xander kiss. — Ted Lorraine: Xander and Willow and debating the great...
Previously: Alright, Zeebo the Clown’s face was pretty freaky. — The Lonely Ghost Sweeney: Lor may not have gone in order on purpose, but since she started us down that...
Previously: Spike found a way to restore Dru’s health, Angel’s locked in a cage, and a girl with an impossibly bad accent is claiming to be the slayer. — What’s...
Previously: Giles was a badass, Buffy inadvertently got a tattoo, Jenny got a really terrible makeover in the form of a demon, and we got some hilariously bad special effects....
Previously: Frank was voted into the Midnight Society for his story of following men around the wood and answering riddles. — The Tale of Laughing In the Dark Lorraine: Okay,...
Previously: Buffy learns some deep truths about honesty, growing up and how you should probably avoid Twihards at all costs. — The Dark Age Lorraine: It’s night, as it often...
Previously: Halloween! A creepy dude made costumes real, Spike had children as minions, Buffy was helpless, and aforementioned creepy dude addressed Giles as “Ripper.” Also, Giles gave the camera a seriously ominous...
The Tale of the Phantom Cab Lorraine: As part of our continued Halloween-themed posting, we will be covering a handful of Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes. We won’t...