Supernatural S03 Wrap-Up

OH THANK GOD WE FINISHED IT. I honestly don't think anything has ever felt as long as this sixteen episode season, friends. Not even Buffy season 6... I hereby declare it dance party time:
I used to really enjoy season 3, but recapping it has made me realise just how all over the place it is. Sure, there are some fabulous episodes in there. But we also get some total throwaway episodes, which means that important details don't turn up until the absolute last minute. I hate how they wrapped up Bela's story, and while I should give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the writers' strike got in the way of them doing things properly, I'm not entirely convinced.

Supernatural S03 E15 – And then she dies.

We open outside a hospital at night. Two doctors walk out discussing their plans for the night, and how one has to start work stupidly early the next day. They go their separate ways, and we follow one to his car. He puts a bag into the boot and promptly gets shoved in there after it. He bangs on the closed lid. Cut to him staggering into an emergency room, holding his stomach. A nurse walks up and kindly says that he can move his hands because there's nothing she hasn't seen before. She pulls his hands away, and his intestines fall out onto the floor. She screams.

Supernatural S03 E14 – This is why I don’t answer the phone

We open at a big house on a rainy night. Inside, a middle aged guy paces back and forth, and jumps when the phone rings. The caller ID reads "SHA33". He answers, and tells the woman, Linda, on the end to stop calling. She begs him to "come to me". He hangs up on her. The phone starts ringing again. He answers and tells Linda to leave him alone. Linda says that they could be happy together and that she loves him forever. Ben hangs up. When the phone rings again, he picks up the receiver and slams it down several times, then rips the phone out of the wall and throws it across the room.

Supernatural S03 E13 – Andrew did it better

We open on two nerdy guys sitting in armchairs, and talking directly to the camera. Kind of like Andrew did in Storyteller, except without the word "vampyres." (M: That basically changes everything.) (K: TRUE.) It's Ed and Harry from season 1's Hell House. They talk about how this is an unsolicited pilot intended for the hands of a network executive who's been struck by the writer's strike and is looking for alternative content.
Aaaah, yes. The writer's strike of 2008. That was a dark time. At least it gave us Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog?

Supernatural S03 E12 – Busted

First things first: this episode is a bitch and a half to find gifs for on account of the Jus in Bello convention. So I'm sorry about any giant slabs of text...
Monument, Colorado. The boys break into an incredibly white hotel room and search it. Apparently it's Bela's room and they're looking for the Colt. Suddenly the phone rings. After staring at it awkwardly for a minute, Dean answers. It's Bela, who informs him that she's two states away already. He demands the Colt back, and she's all "LOL NOPE". He murder-nounces that he's going to find her because he has nothing better to do with his life, and she informs him that he's about to get suuuuuuper busy on account of she gave the cops a tip off. The door bursts open, the cops appear, and the boys are arrested.

Supernatural S03 E11 – Tuesdays are the worst.

First things first: I have an irrational love for this episode. It manages to be feelsy and really freaking dark and hilarious simultaneously, and it's just kind of great.
Right, on with the show. We open with a super close up of Sam's closed eyes. Heat of the Moment by Asia starts playing, and he sits bolt upright in bed at the Motel of the Week. Dean, already dressed, tells Sam that it's "time to rise and shine, Sammy!" This gives me horrible flashbacks to my teen years when my mother would burst into my room at like 9am on a Saturday and holler "Time for getting up now!" (M: My mom's Saturday wake-up was the dreaded, "time to clean!" -_-)

Supernatural S03 E10 – Dream catch me

Bobby walks through his house with a flashlight in hand. He hears a noise and turns, but there's nothing there. He heads into the kitchen and looks around, but it's empty. Suddenly, a woman screams and attacks him. He falls to the floor, and she shakes him back and forth. The screen flashes white a few times and we cut to Bobby asleep in a motel bed. It's daylight. A maid enters, and apologises when she sees him. She pulls the keys from the door, and they jangle. But Bobby doesn't budge. She looks concerned and walks over to him. She shakes his shoulder a little, and he still doesn't move. We cut back to the screaming woman in the kitchen and Bobby trying to fend off her blows.

Supernatural S03 E09 – Pass the misogyny shots

A posh looking couple in formal wear walk into their bedroom talking about how tedious the party they just attended was. He wants to have some sexy times, but she says she needs a few minutes and excuses herself. She heads into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Elsewhere, a match strikes and a woman starts chanting in a language that Google Translate is telling me could be Latin, Irish, Croatian or Danish. I don't even think you tried, Google Translate. (M: "It's definitely a language! Probably.") The camera pans across a bunch of occult objects, including a used toothbrush, as the unseen woman continues chanting.

Supernatural S03 E08 – Merry Murdermas

Seattle, one year ago. A grandfather is greeted at the door by his grandson, who asks if his grandfather has brought Christmas presents. The grandfather is all "Pff, NO" because that's Santa's job. After the kid's asleep, the grandfather dresses up as Santa and rings a set of bells. The kid sneaks down the stairs and watches as Grandpa Santa puts presents under the tree. There's a thump on the roof, and the kid excitedly whispers to himself that it must be reindeer. Some soot falls down the chimney, and Grandpa Santa looks over in surprise before going closer to investigate. Obviously, something grabs him and drags him up the chimney with a series of crunching sounds.

Supernatural S03 E07 – Crossover Vampires

Night. A fancy Mercedes is parked by a deserted looking bridge. Bela returns to her car with a briefcase that's presumably full of money and gasps when she sees someone reflected in the window behind her. It's Gordon, though she doesn't know that. He introduces himself and she looks momentarily freaked. She says that she's heard of him, and thought he was in prison.
Anna May: MORE BELA YAY. Also it's been so long since I watched Supernatural in a non-snark capacity and I'm rapidly realising that I'm not far off a Snow here-- I've completely forgotten who Gordon is. Guess I'm going to find out.

Supernatural S03 E06 – How the sass tables turn

A young woman runs along an abandoned dock at night in tiny shorts and a sports bra. I roll my eyes so hard they nearly fall out of their sockets because no woman on earth would go running alone at night dressed like that. (A: +1.) She stops to get a drink at a water fountain, then looks up when there's a crack of thunder. She sees a ghostly sailing ship float past, then vanish. She runs off, looking freaked out.
Cut to her house, where she's showering. Segue: does anybody actually do a shampoo advert style hair flip in the shower? Because I call bullshit. It just makes the ceiling wet and drippy.

Supernatural S03 E05 – Who’s the fairest of them all?

Maple Springs, New York. The tinkly orchestra tinkles as we pan across a billboard for a housing estate that starts "Once upon a time". You know, just in case you couldn't tell this was going to be fairy tale themed. We pan down further to the construction site where three somewhat chubby brothers are talking. There's a growly sound and one looks around. His brother pooh-poohs the noise, and the trio go back to arguing about whether they should be using cinder blocks or bricks rather than timber in the construction, because "One gust of wind and the whole place is gonna blow over!". Do you get who they are yet, or should the writers hit us with the obvious anvil a few more times?

Supernatural S03 E04 – It’s the fedora on the inside that counts.

We open in a church at night, a priest and a nun tidying away the hymn books as the spooky indoor wind of spookiness messes with some candles.
Kirsti: Nuns, creepy music and spooky indoor wind? Always a good start...
Anna: They’re about to leave when a man on the balcony (Andy) claims that God isn’t with them—and if he is, he’s not a nice bloke. The priest tries to talk him down but Andy promptly shoots himself in the head. What a drama queen.

Supernatural S03 E03 – A spot of bad luck

We open at a prison. A dude I know from One Episode of Everything Ever heads into the visiting area where he's visiting Gordon. UGH, GORDON. (A: I second this ugh.) He fills Gordon in on what happened in Wyoming, and Gordon's all "SAM WINCHESTER WAS THERE". Our random visitor, Kubrick, confirms it, but says he's heard the Winchesters were there to help. Gordon refuses to believe it, and says "Sam Winchester must die". He hangs up the phone (without saying goodbye) and we fade to black.