Fifty Shades of Grey Chapter 20 – No Means No. JUST KIDDING.

Lor: What do you mean you don't have time to examine your surroundings? I now know that the upstairs lights are halogens and on a mother freakin' dimmer. Trust me. You've noticed your damn surroundings. Ana compares Grey to a dangerous predator again. I'd say something about this being repetitive, but really, there are only so many nice ways to say, "he's probably going to kill me." Sweeney: Obviously I have only read one chapter of this book, but the first thing I noticed was how murdery the writing sounds. If I knew nothing else about this story, I would automatically think, "Welp, this girl's about to get axe murdered on a creepy boat with bad porno lighting."

100th POST PARTY: Bad Decisions & False Choices [VLOG]

Sweeney: That is a screen cap of our WordPress dashboard before we hit publish on this post, making this the big one hundred. Obviously, it's time to break out the streamers, chocolate, and wine. Especially the wine. (Lor: Especially the chocolate wine!) (Good call) In celebration of this momentous occasion, it was necessary for us to do a "classic" Childhood Trauma post. However, rather than just reading and recapping any old Goosebumps book, we each read a "Reader Beware: Choose Your Own Scare" book, and vlogged our experience Lorraine: Even though I was involved in the brainstorming for this, reading back that explanation of why we decided to do this made me LOL. We seriously thought, "a Goosebumps book isn't BAD enough. We need something WORSE!"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer S01 E05 – Call me, beep me if you wanna reach me.

K: We open at the cemetery. Buffy is fighting a vampire, as she’s known to do. She slays, and Giles judges, telling her that she should adopt a “plunge and move on” approach. I’ll take “Things you shouldn’t say to teenage girls when you’re a creepy old dude” for $200, Alex. Lor: And it's the Daily Double! Despite the Giles creepiness, though, he has a legit point. Mid-vampire ass whooping, Buffy quips SO SO MUCH. During this fight? "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Buffy, and you're history." Uuuugh.

Fifty Shades of Grey Chapter 19 – The Evil Kenevil of Panties

Grey is waking Ana up with soft kisses but napping is better than any kiss, so Ana turns around and tries to keep sleeping. I approve. Grey tells Ana she has to wake up because they have to be at his parent's house for dinner in half an hour. Ana is nervous about meeting Grey's parents, especially because he's just "worked [her] over with a riding crop and tied [her] up using a cable [she] sold him, for heaven's sake." As if the fact that she sold him the cable has any bearing on this. Oh, he tied you up? That's cool. WAIT YOU SOLD HIM THE CABLE?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer S01 E03 – These are spirit fingers.

Lor: I was never a cheerleader. I could attribute this to my two left feet, distaste for most group activities and propensity for alienating people, but the truth is that I never tried cheerleading because my mother deemed the skirts too short, and we all know short skirts are the devil. K: I was never a cheerleader, because we don’t do that shit in Australia. And also because of all the reasons Lor said. (Except for my mother thinking short skirts were the devil. She grew up in the 1960s and so was ALL about the short skirts...)

BSC #017 “Mary Anne’s Bad-Luck Mystery” – Trapped in middle school for the rest of forever

Unfortunately for Mary Anne, and more importantly me, she is trapped in the eighth grade for the rest of forever and it’s just not a good look for her. Our story begins with the usual redundant nonsense. Kristy is gross, but Mary Anne is lame and obsessed with her, so we get to hear all about it. Today our girls are placed into predictable developing-complex-characters-is-hard boxes by way of introducing them alongside their lunch choices. Kristy gets the school lunch so she can be gross, Dawn eats granola and tofu and shit, and Claudia loves junk food blah blah blah. Oh and also Kristy lives in a giant-house-no-jk-a-mansion and Claudia is “exotic.” The usual.

Fifty Shades of Grey Chapter 17 – What’s A Pap Smear Go For These Days?

E.L. James likes to end scenes with falling asleep, because it's quick and easy and because she learned all her writing skillz from the second grade. If the last page of this book says "it was all a dream," I QUIT LIFE. We start chapter 17 with -shock- Ana waking up. She was dreaming of a candle flame and she's a moth flying right for the light. She says, "I'm flying too close to the sun," and even though she doesn't mention Icarus, that's like a copy paste from two pages ago. Ana realizes that she's dreaming of hot things because Grey is draped across her and his body is making her hot. I know this is really nuanced writing here, but try to keep up. We're told that Grey's body heat is suffocating Ana. If we've learned anything from all the times her breathing has failed her, though, it's that Ana lives not by oxygen alone. I think she actually breathes gray eyes, abusive relationships and hating Katherine Kavanagh. She proves this by taking a moment out from suffocating to be really happy that Grey spent the night in her bed.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer S01 E02 – Or why you should carry an Exacto knife.

I feel like we should start this second post of Buffy recaps with a disclaimer. We will not be devoting an entire post to each episode. Because that would be CU-RAAAAZY, and I’m pretty sure both Lor and I would go insane after the 144 posts that would require. At the end of “Welcome to the Hellmouth”, Buffy is trapped in a tomb with a huge, ugly vampire dude, and he’s about to bite her. Which bring us to... “The Harvest” So apparently the huge, ugly vampire dude (whose name is Luke) has really terrible aim when it comes to necks. Or he was trying to bite her boobs? Either way, he ends up with a mouthful of the enormous crucifix necklace that Angel presented Buffy with in the last episode.

Fifty Shades of Grey Chapter 16 – All Your Orgasms Are Belong to Me

Ana's waking up and she's all hazy with sleep and sex. Her head is on his chest and she tells us that he smells like fresh laundry and the best smell in the world: Christian. Oh, really? He smells like Christian. Great, amazing. Thank you E.L. James for not actually wanting to do any writing heavy lifting and vague-ing it up so that lonely women every where can insert their own interpretation of what the Christian smell is. I'd personally like to think he smells of mommy issues and desperation. Oh, and a little papery, like the money that makes it all okay. Ana touches his chest and Grey is on her like a hawk, removing her hand. "Don't" he murmurs. Ana whisper-asks why he doesn't like to be touched as she stares into his GRAY! eyes. He replies: Because I'm fifty shades of fucked up.