Previously: Hardin stayed out all night and got into a fight and made Tessa feel like shit. — Samantha: FYI, dear readers, this chapter has a content warning from us...
Previously: 99% of the named characters gathered at Winterfell and prepared to die. — The Long Night Marines: I could intro this for days, but I’ll just say that I’m looking...
Previously: We watched Brie Larson’s glitter and rainbows directorial debut Unicorn Store — Sweeney: In the post for our last MCU episode I celebrated the miracle of finally getting caught...
Previously: Sex at work. — Marines: We did a live-show on our Patreon recently and someone asked when we would finish After. lol. Samantha: *Is* there an end? I’ve sort of...
Previously: Moving in to the tune of Hardin’s temper tantrums. — Samantha: Idk, it says that they’re heading to the hamper literally the sentence before the chapter starts but then they’re...
Previously: No one is happy Dany is in town. — Catherine: After the previouslies remind us that Jaime shoved a child out of a window eight years ago, we’re taken through...
Previously: We returned to the Buffyverse and were sorely disappointed in what we found. — Sweeney: I probably watched the trailer for Unicorn Store about a dozen times and so I...
Previously: A zombie dragon blasted the wall down. — Democracy Diva: We made it. Welcome to the final season. Let’s fucking do this. Marines: There is only one correct gif for this...
Previously: We covered one of Nicole’s all-time faves, The Golden Compass, and had feelings for days. — Marines: Five years ago, we finished recapping the last episode of Buffy the Vampire...
Previously: Tessa tours Hardin’s messed up psyche, or something. — Marines: Hardin signs the contract and slides it over to Tessa, who signs before she can overthink anything. And by “overthink,”...
Previously: Tessa and Hardin had weird make up sex. — Samantha: This is one of those chapters that tries to show us how cute and playful Hardin and Tessa are actually....
Marines: Hello friends! As a quick intro for those of you who are newer to this parts, Snark Squad semi-regularly organizes a movie watching party we like to call a...
Previously: Max proposed! Sadie, Sadie… Samantha: Hello friends, and welcome to Season 2 of Gilmore Girls! We start with a panning shot of the town that shows Lorelai’s yellow daises...
Previously: The stupidest plan ever did not end well. — Marines: Hey all! Season 8 of Game of Thrones is premiering THIS WEEK. It’s been a long winter without it. Before...
Previously: We gushed over the intense sensory experience of season 1 of American Gods — Sweeney: Longtime readers of the blog know how much we love a tracking spreadsheet around...