Previously: Hogarth helped Kilgrave get loose. — AKA 1,000 Cuts Marines: A bloody, shot up Kilgrave stumbles down the stairs and out of the building Jessica was keeping him in. Hogarth...
Previously: We watched Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, flailed a lot, and decided that every song was our favorite song. — Sweeney: Hello, I hope you enjoy the most cumbersome title we have...
Previously: We watched a terrible movie that turned a magical thing into sadness and rage. — Sweeney: If you’ve been following our journey with this podcast, you know that the...
Previously: Tessa isn’t ready for sex, according to Hardin. — Marines: Tessa wakes up to Hardin snoring in her ear. She is happy for 0.1 second before she starts panicking, wondering...
Previously: Tessa and Hardin decide they love each other. — Samantha: They stop kissing and sit on the bed and Tessa demands to know who he fought with. Was it...
Previously: Jessica drugged Kilgrave and Kilgrave blew Simpson up. — Samantha: We start with Kilgrave opening his eyes and calling out for Jessica. He’s lying on a cot and quickly...
Previously: We watched Avatar: The Last Airbender and we loved it so much. So, so much. — Marines: Last week, we discussed Avatar: The Last Airbender, the precious and beautiful Nickelodeon...
Previously: Jessica tried to frame herself, but Kilgrave didn’t let her. — AKA WWJD Jessica: Just in case you were thinking that you’d get a break from feels this episode, the...
Previously: Breakup sads. — Zelda: We open on a weirdly quiet Friday Night Dinner (sans Richard), which Emily’s having none of, because if the Kennedys could manage lively dinner conversation, so...
Previously: The Doctor was brought back from somewhere by the power of Amy’s memory. — A Christmas Carol K: We open in space, floating above a planet. Just then, we’re interrupted...
Previously: We talk a whole bunch about a little bad good guys and a little good bad guys. — Marines: I’ll start by saying that I flippin’ love Avatar: The Last...
Previously: Impressive fights and lots of neon won us over hard. — Marines: This post is going up a little late because of travel! Very on brand for your friendly, neighborhood...
Previously: We watched Westworld and had a lot of feelings about how humans are the worst. Sweeney: FIRST, sorry for the unplanned week off. I can assure you that nobody...
Previously: A nice guy and an asshole roll up into the park. — The Stray Marines: 3D PRINTED ROBOTS! Dolores is in an examination room, powered down. Bernie enters and tells...
Previously: It’s like a violent, bloody theme park with robots, we think. — Chestnut Marines: 3D PRINTED ROBOTS. (See? I contained myself.) After the previouslies and the credits, a man’s voice...