Supernatural S01 Wrap-Up

It's been a long time coming, but we've finally finished recapping season 1 of Supernatural!!
Celebratory dance but not really because we still have nine seasons to go ohgod.
Celebrations aside, let's rank this shiz, shall we?

Pretty Little Liars S03 E20 – Masters in Shit Stirring

Rosewood's One Coffee Shop, after-hours because there is no one around. It's the same day as the last episode so the beginning exposition ("Any word from Jason while we've been together this entire time?") is especially clunky. Emily has not heard anything from Jason. Hanna wonders if now that the whole National Adolescent Terrorization Club is out of Rosewood, A will retire. Spencer gives the appropriately jaded, "YEAH RIGHT." response.
Emily redirects the conversation over to Cece lying to them about knowing Wilden. The girls wonder if maybe she's Red Coat. Spencer is distracted by an incoming text message. Aria asks her what she thinks and she's all, "maybe Cece is Red Coat!" Aria tells her to pay attention.

Veronica Mars S02 E03 – Being bad at money stuff

We begin with a Veronica Voice-Over about the magic of senior year. Tis the season of college applications, so Veronica needs to pad her resume with a non-crime-solving-related activity. I'm not sure why - the crime-solving thing would probably look way more attractive to an admissions officer than the stupid FBLA. But that doesn't get us anywhere, plot-wise, so welcome to the Future Business Leaders of America, Veronica Mars!
Lorraine: I mean, the crime-solving thing did get us plenty of places plot-wise, but we need to get a little creative these days. New reasons to solve crime everyone: extra-curricular activities.

Dawson’s Creek S02 E02 – Worst friend ever.

Shrine O'Spiel-BLERG THEY'RE MAKING OUT EW EW EW. Will I ever be able to watch Dawson and Joey kiss without recoiling in disgust? Probs not. Anyway, the bedroom door opens and a hand very creepily reaches inside to shut off the television.
Kirsti: SO CREEPY OMG. And also, no. You will never be able to watch Dawson kiss ANYONE without recoiling in disgust. Or maybe that's just my experience...
Diva: This is shot to look sort of like a horror movie, because Kevin Williamson is the worst, but it's actually just Dawson's parents catching him in a horizontal tonsil-hockey tournament with the girl who's been sleeping in his bed for the last fifteen years.

The OC S01 E17 – Stalker Boyfriend Revisited

Open to Seth and Ryan walking across campus.  Ryan is going on about his mistrust of Oliver.  This is totally valid because with my limited knowledge it seems to me that Oliver is bat-shit crazy.  (I should probably mention that I missed this show entirely so I'm almost completely a Snow).  Seth is trying to be comforting but is also being Seth, whose fall back position is sarcastic and nerdy.  I have to say so far my favorite thing about this show is the relationship between Ryan and Seth.  They offset each other well and it does my heart good to see them fall into this friendship. So Ryan is still going on about Oliver and says he and Marissa are fighting a lot about him.  Seth states Ryan is jealous because Oliver is a rich kid with many exotic locations to whisk women off to.  He also uses the phrase "Dapper Don" (really, Seth?) and all I can think of is this even though I have never watched Mad Men:

I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson – Family Feels

In a nutshell: Twin teenagers Noah and Jude used to be inseparable, but a series of events drive them apart. Each sibling only has half the story, though, and they need to find their way back to each other to put things back together.
We Judge Covers: This cover tells you very little about the book, but it's super fun. Definitely something I'd at least pick up in the book store, knowing nothing else about it. A+ work, marketing folks.
Main Character: There are two, though I think Jude got a little more time than Noah. The story jumps a little in the timeline - Noah begins the story when they're 13 and Jude begins when they're 16.

Veronica Mars S02 E02 – Shut up or be useful.

Lorraine: Veronica is looking very intensely at a display of dessert. Veronica Voice Over asks us, "if a school bus traveling 40 miles per hour drives off a cliff and plunges 90 feet into the jagged coastline, how many seconds do the six high-school students, their teacher and bus driver have to contemplate the fact that they're about to die?" No wonder V's serving some pie and she can't even look happy about pie. Those are some morbid thoughts.
Sweeney: This is the brain space of Veronica Mars we're talking about here.

Dawson’s Creek S02 E01 – Bad decisions and bad hair

We pick up exactly where we left off last season, with Dawson and Joey eating each other's faces in the Shrine o' Spielberg. Shit gets monumentally awkward when the kiss ends and Dawson wonders aloud what this means for them now. Joey says they should sleep on it, and Dawson stares at his bed in terror. But no, Joey means they should sleep in their respective beds. Dawson says with a smile that it'll be a like a dream when he wakes up. Joey interprets this as him wishing it had never happened, and glares at him before heading for the window. He stops her and says that's the exact opposite of what he wants. They face-nom some more.
Democracy Diva: So much miscommunication! So much face nomming! I'm already exhausted.

The OC S01 E16 – Never Listen to Marissa Cooper

I'm going to try to prevent myself from flailing all over this post.  Let me just get this out of my system.  THE O.C!!  I'M SNARKING AN EPISODE OF THE O.C.!!  SETH COHEN!!  Ahem.
Lorraine: I like your method of getting it all out on the front end. Already off to a good start.
Ashlea: The episode opens at the I'm-Not-Really-A-Bachelor-Yet Pad of Jimmy Cooper, with Marissa skipping down the stairs to open the door for the smarmy douchebag, Oliver.  He pulls the pity-me card and asks to come in.  Of course Marissa lets him, because she's SO troubled and tortured and her soul resonates with his or some such crap.  Really it's because she's not the brightest bulb in the lamp.  Yes, I am a card-carrying member of the I-Hate-Marissa-Cooper Club. (L: Not there yet? Keep watching this episode.)

Supernatural S01 E22 – Big Bad O’Clock

We pick up where we left off, with the boys phoning Papa Winchester and Meg answering. She tells Dean he'll never see his father again, and Dean hangs up. He starts grabbing his stuff and tells Sam they have to go because the demon knows they've got the Colt and now that it has Papa Winchester, it'll come after them next. Sam's all "GOOD. COME AT ME, BRO!", but Dean insists that they're leaving.
Cut to the Bromobile. Dean says that they need to work out where Papa Winchester's being kept so they can trade him for the Colt. Sam suggests that Papa Winchester might be dead already, and Dean gets angry. Sam backs down and wants to know how they'll find him. "We need help," Dean replies, and the Bromobile bros on through the night.

Charmed S01 E09 – Foreshadowing grandma

I took a few weeks off of Charmed during vacation and I feel like I've forgotten everything that's happened. Something tells me that won't matter.
Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. Some woo-woo music plays as two men unlock a door where a woman is being held. She (Melinda) asks why he (Matthew) betrayed her and he says she got what she deserved. Matthew pretended to love Melinda, took her powers and then turned her in to be burned at the stake. Melinda rips her locket off and throws it at Matthew, telling him to keep his trinkets. He chuckles and opens it for contrivance reasons. Inside is a petal that bursts into a small flame. Melinda recites a curse and steals back her power.

Veronica Mars S02 E01 – Who does she think she is? A Laker girl?

We start at that restaurant where Carrie Bishop worked. Veronica is now the hostess, and she opens her monologue just shy of a title star: "Normal - that's the watchword." I'm feeling the generous glow of a new season and am willing to go ahead and give her that gold star anyway:
Lorraine: Does this extend into real life? Should people start asking favors of you while you bask in the new season glow? I'm asking for a friend.
Democracy Diva: Unrelated, but I am wary of a season that begins with our badass blonde heroine working in the food service industry. It did not go well for Buffy.

Pretty Little Liars S03 E18 – Crazy eyes

At Rosewood's One Coffee Shop For Girls Who Need to Learn About Sleeping In, the girls are sitting on the couch that they seem to always commandeer as Aria tells them that Ezra sent an, "I'm here" text but otherwise, hasn't communicated with her. I guess he's too busy meeting his child to text his child-girlfriend. Spencer is still acting all shifty and excuses herself to get a coffee refill, leaving the rest of the Liars to discuss whether or not Detective Wilden has already read the Biology Cluebook, meaning he knows what they know. Which is what we know and translates to, "three seasons of very, very little." Something like that.
Sweeney: In the years of working on this blog, I've learned that a lot of people are making very good money by taking things they've already written (or that someone else already wrote) and basically throwing a thesaurus at the situation in order to come out with a "new" thing, for which they can be paid again.