Be Our Snarky Guest

We receive occasional requests to participate or submit new material, and for a long time we weren’t entirely sure what to do with those requests. With as much time as we pour into this site, we are excited about the possibility of sharing the snark responsibilities with others, and the chance to introduce hilarious bloggers to a new audience.



Some submission guidelines:

  • Posts should be stand-alone. We are not accepting submissions to series in-progress (possible exception for CT Books) or new series proposals. (Because our cover-one-day wishlist is already FOREVER long.)
  • We prefer to receive submissions as Google Docs that you share with us ( team [at] snarksquad [dot] com). This makes it easier for both of us to have access, and give any feedback.
  • Please know that submissions are likely to receive some editing in order to better fit the tone of the site. We will get your approval on all edits before posting, but if you are very attached to your words as they are, submitting to this site might not be a good fit.
  • Try to keep submissions under 2000 words.
  • Please submit completed drafts, rather than pitch ideas.
  • Keep in mind, however, that we can’t guarantee that we will publish submissions. If we don’t publish, we will try to give helpful feedback, explaining that decision.

Because snarking aint easy, we also have a few tips:

  • Self-deprecating humor goes a long way.
  • We’re not down with anything that needlessly picks on large groups of people for factors beyond their control. (Basically, don’t be a racist, sexist asshole.)
  • It is, however, perfectly acceptable (and a common thing around here) to point out the ways in which an author or a show either unfairly picks on, or unfairly stereotypes/overlooks large groups of people. By all means, mock them mercilessly for being assholes and/or willfully ignorant.
  • There is an important line between our “give a little gif” policy and becoming a Tumblr post.

Just writing that felt a tad obnoxious, but we’re trying to cover all of our bases. If, after that, you are still interested in contributing to, please email us at team [at] snarksquad [dot] com.

Happy snarking!