Tag: rank ’em if you got ’em

Supernatural S04 Wrap Up

It's been a long time coming, friends, but we FINALLY finished season 4!! Admittedly, this probably would have rolled around a lot sooner if 31 Days of Twilight hadn't stolen all our time, but WHATEVER. Totally worth it.
Oh, and before I forget, let's have our obligatory end-of-season dance party:

Doctor Who S02 Wrap-Up

I've got to say that the most surprising thing about Series 2 was how very little of it I remembered. Sometimes I caught myself asking myself, "did I watch this? Did I skip this? How did I erase this completely from my mind?" I don't have the answers for any of those questions, but those impressions speak greatly to the experience of series 2, for me at least.
There were a ton of episodes that felt weak, but it's a season that is punctuated by lovely character moments, especially if you are invested in the relationship between Rose and the Doctor.

Supernatural S02 Wrap-Up Post

Holy shit, you guys. I love season 2 a lot, but there were honestly times when I never thought I was going to finish it. It turns out - perhaps unsurprisingly - that recapping a show by yourself is a hell of a lot more work than recapping a show with one or two other people, even if the recaps are about 1,000 words shorter. So it is with much relief that I reach the end of my solo recapping career. (Anna, don't ever leave me...)
Anyway, it's time for the obligatory end of season dance party:

Supernatural S01 Wrap-Up

It's been a long time coming, but we've finally finished recapping season 1 of Supernatural!!
Celebratory dance but not really because we still have nine seasons to go ohgod.
Celebrations aside, let's rank this shiz, shall we?

Dawson’s Creek S01 Wrap-Up

I feel a bit weird in celebrating the end of season 1, because it feels like we literally just started it and now it's over. Still, at the very least we should celebrate getting past Joey's awful rendition of On My Own, so let's have a dance party!
Yeah yeah, I know that's technically a spoiler because it's from season 2. But I feel like that's exactly how Dawson, Joey and Pacey would react to our celebratory dance, so it seemed appropriate to use it.
Democracy Diva: Totally appropriate. I approve.
K: ANYWAY. On with the rankings!

Angel – Best Of (Lorraine)

Lorraine: This was a lot of fun to put together. I feel much better about this list than I do my worst of list. Not much to add here except...

Angel – Worst Of (Lorraine)

Things got a little bit away from me.
Last night, after watching Sweeney's great video, I became a lean, mean, ranking machine. I ranked story arcs and characters and episodes, and also what's here in the video below. I tried to squeeze in my bottom 10 episodes as well, but there was just no way that was going to happen time-wise, which is why the video ends kind of abruptly.
Also cut for time, an explanation about how there was more of a debate during my Buffy rankings about what was the best, quality wise, and what was the best to me.

Angel Season Rankings

More finale flaily fun times! Let's celebrate with more gifs from She:
Anyway, that being said, there is something strange and surreal about this. It's weird to imagine this blog without the Buffyverse and it's over this week. Or, as Lorraine put it in her Buffy "Best Of" video - "this is the end, except for the part where it's not" because we will undoubtedly continue to pick it back up here and there. It also, of course, colors everything else we do here, so there's that.
We've made no secret of the fact that we find this the weaker of the two shows. That said, I think I probably enjoyed it the most of the three of us and actually can see myself rewatching some of this. One day. In the future.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Worst of (Lorraine)

Seriously, guys, ranking this is such hard work. So is recording yourself on video and then looking back at your own face for too long while you edit and realizing your hair is kind of doing something funny in the back.
ANYWAY. It's my turn to squee about the end. I realize we've been doing that now for a solid two weeks, but THE END YOU GUYS. It's crazy.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Best Of (Sweeney)

Now this is actually it, for me at least. It's weird to think that this is the last time - in the foreseeable future - that I will be starting a Buffy post. I know I've gotten to about five rounds of THE END! nostalgia, but now it's actually it. As such, this video is basically about how this show gives me all the feelings. It's where we first declared our allegiance to Team Feels and that's something of a subtitle to this video. "Fucking Brilliant, or TEAM FEELS FOREVER."
Again, thank you all for watching and commenting this show with us. It has been a lot of fun and you all helped make that the case. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons Ranking

We figured we'd give this its own post, mostly so you all could also rank with us in the comments.
I feel like I'm going to put this order up, wake up tomorrow and feel differently. Seasons are made up of so many moving parts, that ranking this way is difficult. I think I'm stalling now. OKAY. OKAY. Here we go:
  1. Season 5 - When season 5 took first place in my eyes, it surprised me.

Angel S04 Wrap-Up Post

We skipped out on the dance party during our season three wrap-up post, but hot damn do we deserve it this time:
Season four was an interesting experience. I think I felt a similar need to get out of a season back when we were doing Buffy season 6, but at the same time this was a completely different beast. Buffy season 6 made me angry. I understood the story, but I didn't like the story. These are all things you've heard before. The point is that here, there was a lot less anger, but like exponentially more head scratching.
And bursts of laughter.

Angel S03 Wrap Up Post

Sweeney: This show. I’m not sure how I feel about this show. It has all these amazing characters, but they seem to outshine the show itself. I don’t know what to...