Previously: I think the moral of the story was reading is better than everything, but especially better than ghosts trapped in mirrors. — The Tale of the Twisted Claw Lorraine:...
Previously: We finally learn why Angel broods all the freakin’ time, Buffy’s mom “falls on a barbecue fork” and Darla is staked in a rather anti-climatic fashion. All in a...
Previously: Buffy went on a date, but unfortunately, slaying and dating don’t mix well. Something tells me this will be a reoccurring theme. — The Pack Lorraine: We open the...
This book is the biggest slight of hand in the history of the world. Forget making an airplane disappear on my TV, or whatever. E.L. James just shat on paper and sold a millionties of books, right before your very eyes.
I'm sorry. I try not to open with so much meanness. I like to disguise my distaste with capslocks and diatribes on the evils of toothbrush sharing. It's just that we open this chapter with Ana forgetting about how uneasy the Sexy Times Contract made her, uh, YESTERDAY and is now worried that Grey won't have her at all. Pout.
I'm sorry. I try not to open with so much meanness. I like to disguise my distaste with capslocks and diatribes on the evils of toothbrush sharing. It's just that we open this chapter with Ana forgetting about how uneasy the Sexy Times Contract made her, uh, YESTERDAY and is now worried that Grey won't have her at all. Pout.
Lily: We find ourselves with the Alden kids going on vacation yet again. Jessie told Henry that she believed their grandpa was up to something because he was extra happy,...
Lorraine: I’m going to be honest here for a second and let you know that there is a certain amount of embarrassment that comes with writing for Childhood Trauma. I...
Sweeney: “If you’re afraid of bees, I have to warn you – there are a lot of bees in this story. In fact, there are hundreds.” Thank you for beginning...
Sara: Let me preface this review by saying that scary movies, books, and tv shows no longer have the power to be as terrifying as they used to be, thanks...