Tag: tales of andy the snark mister

The OC S01 E02 – Dibs on boyfriends.

So my first experience with The O.C. came during a very lonely summer in my life, after I'd graduated high school. See, I graduated a semester early which meant I couldn't really hang out with my high school friends anymore because it was weird but also that I couldn't make any college friends because I was the mid-semester starter and didn't know anyone. So I worked at Blockbuster every night and spent my two free rentals a week on old TV shows. This is the story of how my love affair with The O.C. started. I stayed up until 3 AM every night for weeks and missed many, many 8 AM English classes because of this shit.
Lorraine: I know this is the first recap, but I can already tell this will be my favorite, "The O.C. and me" story.